Monday, 15 January 2018

Fuel port done.
Working on the canopy slider mechanism.

Thursday, 11 January 2018

Here is a nice bit of kit from Jet Model Products. It is custom made for your application. It is an air manifold for the P-47. The air from the electronic valves comes to the manifold. One from the valve for the doors and one for the valve from the gear.
It then distributes the air to the lines going to the gear or doors.
Eliminates a bunch of T fittings and tidies it all up.

Friday, 5 January 2018

Two 1000ml air tanks installed. Pain in the butt trying to get arms and hands inside to do this so it is not as pretty as I would have liked.

Thursday, 4 January 2018

I have finished the aileron and flap servo install and the gear main door actuators as well.

I could not resist putting a bit of flight metal on. That is scale as seen on the full size. The whole wheel well will be painted once I can roll it outside for the spraying. Not likely to happen until March,