Saturday, 3 May 2014

Painting Completed

Progress has been slow but can now see some headway. Painting is now done as you can see by these three pictures. By far the hardest was the Canadian Ensign on the tail. Kind of wished I opted out for the new flag instead, much easier.

Some little details such as the mirrors I decided to make. They are made from thin plastic sheet stock. Also with the help of Jon Harwood we made the temperature probe. Two transducers to go and the little fragile bits are done.

I am busy trying to put on the nomenclature but having trouble getting a clear image of where they all go. I will not be putting all of them on as there are just too many and I do not want the plane to look like a wall of graffiti.

This is a bit of a grey area as some countries such as Germany and Denmark put markings on in places where the Americans and Canadians did not.

If you have any questions or comments please feel free to make them.