Saturday, 21 December 2013

Suppression Cone

Before I start doing the flight metal on the center section of the fuse. I wanted to finish the painting of the internal parts such as the wheel wells and air intakes so that do not have to spend time masking. You will notice there is quite a bit of over-spray but it will be covered up by the flight metal. 

Now that I have some time off through Christmas and New Year I plan on getting  a lot of flight metal work done. Pictures will be posted as I proceed. Merry Christmas to all and I hope it is healthy and full of joy for your and your families. 

Wednesday, 18 December 2013

Intake Detailing

While I was painting with the aluminum paint I needed to also paint the inside of the air inlets. They are  white and should be aluminum in colour according to my full scale guru. ;-)

I attached a vacuum to the aft end of the inlet and sprayed the paint in the forward end. It helped disperse the paint down the tube. The front end will have the black painted around the lip of the inlet and on the shock wave cone that attaches to the inlet. The over spray will be covered up with flight metal.

Wheel Wells Painted

As I mentioned earlier this is really just  cosmetic as you really would not normally see inside the wells.
I did want to paint them before I put the flight metal on  the outside to save all the masking etc.

Thursday, 12 December 2013

Gearing Up The Wheel Wells

Before I get started on the flight metal for the center section of the plane I decided I would clean up the wheel wells with panels and paint etc. Although there is not much likely hood of anyone seeing inside when the plane is on the ground I just don't like the look of the open well as it is not very tidy or scale.

These panels were in with the kit with no mention of their purpose or what to do with them. Once I found out that they were for the wheel well then it became a bit of a puzzle that needed solving.

Parts for one wheel well

Open well before panels are installed

Wheel well with panels installed

I made the one that is installed now removable so I can access the door rams and the hydraulic connections for service.

Sunday, 8 December 2013

The Zipper by Rodford Edmiston Smith

Here's a great article written by Rodford Edmiston Smith describing the F-104's place in aviation history that I think is great. Enjoy!!

Y'know, sometimes we humans manage to do something right. Many of the examples come from aviation. That's partly because in aviation, if you get something wrong the results tend to be fatal. Some of the most remarkable aircraft - the "most right" - of all time were members of what came to be known as the Century Series. The majority of these fighter planes were huge, actually serving as interceptors, attack planes and bombers, but there was one which stood apart. One which is still in use today, continuing to serve its original purpose well into the 21st Century. A plane which one technical writer stated can "still show its heels to most front-line fighters."

In the early Fifties jet fighters were rapidly growing larger and heavier. Many rivaled WW II light and medium bombers in weight and carrying capacity. There were many reasons for this, some technical, some tactical, some strategic... and some psychological. For instance, the Fifties was the era of the "bigger is better" mindset. As mentioned above, though, there were legitimate technical reasons for the size increases. Jet engines of the era worked best in a certain size range, and the jet aircraft built then were so expensive that in order to get the taxpayer's money's worth the bean counters decided that in addition to fighting the planes should also perform other duties. Of course, the extra equipment needed for these duties made the fighters even larger and more expensive. Then there was the concept of the fighter as missile platform.

Technical optimists felt that (then-) modern missile technology had made the gun-equipped fighter obsolete, and that bullets could be omitted from consideration. Later experience proved this to be very untrue. Even today this goal has not quite been reached, though modern missiles are much more reliable and capable than those of the Fifties and Sixties. While the classic fighter dogfights where guns would be needed have just about been eliminated, guns are still useful for strafing. And if you do get into a dogfight... But in this period it was felt that fighter aircraft should no longer have guns; any strafing could be done by dedicated ground attack aircraft. Instead, fighters should carry lots of missiles and big radar sets for detecting the enemy, as well as lots of fuel to get to where they could launch the missiles. And since they were already big enough, add the capacity to carry large bombs, too. (The F-105 in fact had an internal bomb bay, which was almost never held bombs in service.)

Some companies bucked the trend. One of them was Lockheed. Company personnel - including Clarence "Kelly" Johnson - talked with fighter pilots (many of them veterans of Korea, where the US had been unpleasantly surprised by the MiG-15) and asked them what they wanted. To the astonishment of no-one except the Air Force brass, these men stated they wanted something fast, agile and equipped with a good punch (which meant a gun in addition to effective missiles). Adding to the motivation at Lockheed for moving away from the "bigger is better" approach favored by the Pentagon was the sour taste left by the failure of the company's huge XF-90, a mammoth plane designed to fit official requirements. So while other design teams were planning such monsters as the F-105 Thunderchief (as heavy as a WW II light bomber and actually intended to deliver a single nuclear weapon dropped from an internal bomb bay, mentioned above) Johnson and his team sat down and started with a clean sheet of paper and the pilots' requirements.

In November of 1952 Lockheed submitted an unsolicited proposal for a new, lightweight fighter. Although the Air Force had no official requirement for such a plane they had enough faith in Lockheed and Johnson to issue a General Operational Requirement to replace the aging F-100 Super Sabre. Johnson and his crew set eagerly to work. Johnson's team studied many options and variations. Finally, they picked a concept - the minimum airframe to hold the engine, pilot, weapons and avionics, plus enough fuel to get the plane there and back. Then they decided on the upcoming J79 for the engine. And what an engine that was (and still is)! The team wanted plenty of thrust margin, in case the J79 didn't live up to expectations, and for the inevitable growth in airframe weight. As the A-10 was later wrapped around its Great Honking Gun, the new plane was wrapped around a Great Honking Engine. Everything else about the airframe was small, especially the wings. After some final adjustments, the designers realized they had a winner. On paper, at least.

The gun chosen was the then-new Vulcan. This is a 20mm, multiple-barrel rotary weapon, basically a motor-driven Gattling gun firing a small cannon round. This had such a high rate of fire it could put more rounds on target in the same interval than the multiple .50 caliber machine guns used by US planes in the Second World War and Korea. Even better, those rounds were not only larger but carried an explosive charge.

Another departure from the norm came with those thin, tiny wings. Supersonic wind tunnel data showed that swept wings made transonic flight easier than the nearly straight, tapered wings then in use on prop-driven and most early jet craft, and delta wings were better yet. Most companies were going with a delta-wing configuration. However, a delta wing has a lot of supersonic drag, and the new plane was intended to operate supersonically, beyond the transonic realm where deltas were best. The same data also showed that a very thin, straight wing had most of the advantages of deltas, plus some others, such as low supersonic drag. (The Bell X-1, for example, had thin, straight wings.) Also, Lockheed had plenty of experience with this configuration, having used it successfully on the X-7 ramjet research vehicles, which had thin, straight, trapezoidal wings. (Note that a target drone developed from the X-7 had such extraordinary performance that it was almost impossible for the plane/missile combinations of the day to shoot down.) Many long and heated discussions, accompanied by research and testing, went into the exact design of the wings and their fit to the aircraft as a whole. Part of the difficulty was making sure takeoff and landing speed were not excessive, which necessitated adding blown flaps and other lift-improving devices. After a rather short and very hectic design and construction period, two prototypes flew. These prototypes proceeded to set several speed and time-to-climb records, even though they were under-powered with a J65 engine. (With the afterburning version of the J65 the second XF-104 prototype reached Mach 1.79 in level flight.) Using the data from these planes the design was modified (primarily by being enlarged) and several YF-104A service trial aircraft were produced.

There were many criticisms of the design, some of them involving the downward-firing ejection seat. Because the F-104 had a t-tail with a high-mounted horizontal section the designers felt that the upward ejection seats of the Fifties would not be able to get the pilot clear in all flight modes. So the unhappy solution of a downward ejection seat was used. This meant that if a pilot had an emergency at low altitude he had to either ride the plane in or try to roll upside down and eject. Neither of these were satisfactory solutions, and Starfighter pilots were an especially tense lot during takeoffs and landings until later models switched to an improved, upward-firing ejection seat. (Note that other t-tail fighters from this era also faced this problem.)

Switching to the present for a moment, there have been many interesting claims made about the F-22 Raptor (or Rapier, according to some sources). Unfortunately, in their enthusiasm the new fighter's supporters have said some things which just aren't true. The F-22 is capable of maintaining level flight at Mach 1+ in what is known as supercruise mode; that is, flying supersonic without using a fuel-hungry afterburner. (Maximum supercruise speed for the F-22 is listed by some sources as Mach 1.53. It is most likely less than that, perhaps significantly less.) While most supersonic planes designed before the F-22 were built to exceed the speed of sound for short dashes only (bombers and attack craft to get in and out, and fighters to close or escape, with some supersonic dogfighting) some could do better. The term itself came around long after the F-104 (and a few other aircraft) did it.

Many of the Century Series fighters could supercruise, though most of those just barely. (As a rule of thumb, any plane which can exceed Mach 2 with afterburner can probably exceed Mach 1 without.) Starfighters with the J79-19 engine can - at altitude - maintain about Mach 1.1 in level flight in military power (maximum throttle without afterburner). This isn't surprising when you realize that the J79 engine was vastly improved during the long production lifetime of the F-104, with later versions producing nearly as much thrust without afterburner as early models did with. (In his comments on the F-22, retired Colonel Everest Riccioni (one of three legendary "Fighter Mafia" mavericks who forced the Pentagon to produce the F-16, to improve U.S. air superiority, who flew 55 different types of military aircraft, and worked in the defense industry for 17 years managing aircraft programs, including the B-2 bomber) compared it unfavorably to the F-104-19 in several categories, including supercruise range.)

To give an idea of how far a Starfighter could go at supersonic speeds, an F-104A with no external stores could take off, climb to 20,000 meters, accelerate to Mach 2 and fly for fifteen minutes, and still have plenty of reserve for descent and landing. (Just be sure to bring your pressure suit along.) Adding wingtip tanks increased the fuel available with little effect on top speed, in spite of the drag they created. (Tanks and missiles on the wingtips also helped the plane turn tighter, since they acted as endplates on those stubby wings.) Later models had improved J79 engines with better fuel economy, plus increased internal tankage, so they could cruise supersonic for even longer. They also had more military (dry, or non-afterburning) thrust, making the Zipper’s supercruise capability less marginal. Some F-104A aircraft were later modified to take the J79-19 engine, originally developed for the F-104S. Since the A was the slickest and lightest production version of the plane it had spectacular climb and acceleration with the new engine.

The top speed of most fighters - even today - is limited by thrust (the F-16 has a higher thrust-to-weight ratio than the Starfighter, but it also has a huge delta wing which is optimized for maneuvering and generating lift to carry large amounts of external stores, not for supersonic flight). The F-104 is generally restricted by heat in the compressor section of the engine and certain parts of the airframe. Early Starfighters could not exceed Mach 2.2 without potentially damaging the engine; on later models with the -19 engine this was increased to Mach 2.3. The canopy limit is around Mach 2.6. The airframe on late models is stable out to Mach 2.8. As top speed is approached in the F-104 the pilot must throttle back to keep from exceeding the safe limits, unlike almost any other plane. One US Air Force pilot wrote that in his experience the F-104 was the only plane he had ever flown where even the squadron dog could exceed all the red lines. For comparison, the normal top speed of the F-15 is Mach 2.3, with a time-limited pursuit mode of Mach 2.6. It can do this carrying some missiles, but not with drop tanks. (Later models of the Eagle with improved engines may be able to.)

Keep in mind that the low-altitude record for flight speed was set in the Seventies with a slightly modified Starfighter. Which was owned by a civilian group, Darryl Greenameyer's Red Baron racing team. They went to the high desert and set the record at 988 mph, averaged from four passes, each at a height above ground level of less than a hundred meters. The record requires that this be done without landing or exceeding an altitude of 300 meters between passes. On one set of passes the plane averaged just over 1000 mph, but due to a fault in the timing equipment this is not official. Before this, military pilots of two-seat models given the task of taking some VIP for a ride liked to return to base on the deck and casually mention that they were exceeding the official world low altitude speed record. The F-104's thin wings not only have low drag, they are less affected by turbulence. It is the only plane around with the combination of endurance, handling and speed for setting such a record.

You will read in some references that the F-104 is not very maneuverable. Well, down low and going slow, it isn't. However, high and fast - which was how it was designed to operate - it is just about untouchable. The secret is energy maneuvering, repeatedly trading speed for altitude and vice versa. Pilots of other aircraft flying practice dogfights against a Starfighter get left behind when their opponent makes a vertical maneuver they can't match. While they are trying to relocate the tiny plane, it suddenly dives on them from behind. Repeated slashing maneuvers leave opponents riddled, while providing little opportunity for retaliation. (Members of one squadron of F-105 pilots participating in dissimilar aircraft exercises complained that the only reason they came in second was that the F-104s kept going up and down, instead of turning hard like real airplanes do. One F-8 pilot in another dissimilar aircraft exercise chased down what he thought was a lone F-4 - which also used the J-79 engine - only to see an F-104 break off from close formation, going into a vertical climb. He lost that match.)

The plane is no slouch at turning, either, given the lift-enhancing mechanisms built into that small wing (including flaps which are deployable up to 540 knots under all conditions; that's above Mach 1 at high altitude). In some parts of its envelope the F-104 can actually turn inside the F-16. Of course, that statement is hardly fair, since its envelope is larger than the Falcon's. As for combat range, in Vietnam, when the F-105 Thunderchiefs flew low-level, deep penetration bombing missions, the Starfighter was the favored escort. The F-4 Phantoms could not keep up with the Thuds if they carried enough fuel for the mission, and the Thud pilots were not about to slow down. Also, as was true all during the War, when the Starfighters took off, the MiGs landed. The F-104 had a very poor kill record in 'Nam for the simple reason that the MiGs refused to engage it. Because, unlike most US fighters of the time, it was a pure fighter, not burdened with the need to drop bombs, and the Russians knew this. There are certain advantages to specialization...

The F-104 is optimized for supersonic flight. In fact, the inlets don't even start working right until the airspeed gets above Mach 1.4, at which point pilots describe the plane as "going into passing gear." Also, above Mach 1 those tiny wings work very well, indeed. The plane is so supersonically smooth that pilots have reported passing Mach 1 by accident, and not even realizing it until they checked their instruments.

The Starfighter is not an interceptor; it was intended from the beginning as a point-defense fighter, a plane designed to deal with enemy fighters, bombers and attack craft trying to destroy an important facility. Yes, the plane is hard to fly, but a pilot who works at learning how can chase down or get away from almost anything else in the sky. It validated the concept of the lightweight jet fighter, long before the F-16.

So what did the Air Force brass tell Lockheed, after the plane had proven itself to be everything the company claimed? To make it carry bombs. Big ones, including the heavy nuclear weapons of the day.

Does it seem to you that someone missed the point?

Well, Johnson did it. His team even devised a way for the F-104 to carry a single large nuclear weapon under the belly. The thing nearly scraped the ground during taxiing, but the plane could deliver it as asked. The US Air Force unenthusiastically ordered a handful of Starfighters. Fortunately, it was also cleared for export. Many nations were interested – West Germany especially.

Unfortunately, the Bundes Rebublik Deutschland (the Federal German Republic, ie the West German government) air force promptly crashed a large number of them. Many claimed this was because the plane was inherently dangerous. As it turned out, the problem with the German Starfighters wasn't the planes but improper pilot training. (During this same period, Spain crashed none of their Starfighters. Flying similar missions in similar conditions. Most other nations acquiring the F-104 also had a lower accident rate than that of West Germany.) Turns out the German pilots had been trained in the US high desert, with clear skies and lots of room. Once the German instruction regimen was changed to something appropriate for central Europe the safety record for the F-104 improved to something typical for fighters of the day. However, by this time the US military had already decided that the F-104 was not for it, that real fighters were big and heavy and carried bombs. (Though some A models were brought back into service and outfitted with the J79-19 engine later, as mentioned above, due to Vietnam sucking up so many military aviation resources.) This attitude would remain until the Lightweight Fighter concept became popular a few years later (the result of campaigning by what came to be known as the Fighter Mafia), eventually resulting in the adoption of the F-16.

The Starfighter was still popular in many other countries - including Japan and Italy - though, and remained in production for several more years. In fact, Italy flew it as a front-line aircraft until 2004, having worked with Lockheed to develop a new model, the F-104S. This model, modified multiple times to eventually produce the F-104S-ASA-M, still shone as a fighter until the day its unhappy pilots had to turn their planes in. (You can trust the Italians to recognize and appreciate a sports car, even if it does have wings.) It was replaced by rented F-16s until the Eurofighter is operational.

Most countries which flew the F-104 have since declared it surplus. Not because it can't do the job, but usually because they bought into multinational production programs for other aircraft. (Such as the Eurofighter, mentioned above.) Also, parts were getting hard to come by. Italy made parts for its F-104S, but this plane is not completely compatible with the older models. However, while enough parts to keep an entire air force's supply of older Starfighters running are hard to find, scrounging what is needed for individual aircraft is pretty easy. Especially if the planes are demilitarized.

For instance, there is a private company which does flight testing for NASA, such as evaluating improved Shuttle thermal tiles. They have an F-104B, the first two-seat version. Without armor, weapons and heavy military avionics, once the plane is below half its internal fuel it has a thrust-to-weight of better than 1:1. The pilot says he loves the reaction he gets when the control tower advises other pilots approaching the airport where the plane is based that there is a F-104 in the pattern behind them.

There's a Florida-based airshow demonstration team which flies two ex-Canadian Starfighters. One airshow where they appeared was hosted by a US Air Force F-16 base. An aviation photographer saw one of the base pilots watching the team make a low-altitude, high-speed pass. The young man was obviously impressed. The photographer asked him how it felt, knowing the fastest planes on the base were owned by civilians. There is no record of an answer.

A pilot for this team mentioned doing a Mach 0.9 pass in front of the grandstand (at another airshow) and pulling up into a vertical climb. By the time he reached the top of the airshow box at 6000 meters he had lost only a few knots and the speed of sound was dropping with the decrease in air pressure. He checked his manuals later and doesn't think the plane would have gone supersonic if he'd kept climbing straight up. But he sure would have liked to try...

Even today, the performance of the F-104 seems almost mythical. Even early models could fly at altitudes far above the listed service ceiling. An ex-US Air Force pilot reports that he and his wingman, flying F-104A aircraft refitted with the -19 engine, could maintain level flight at Mach 2 and 22 kilometers altitude, if the air temperature were lower than usual. They surprised a U-2 pilot during a practice intercept doing that. The U-2 was flying at a bit above 21 kilometers, and the F-104s came in from above. The F-104 pilot stated that the U-2 pilot's comments on this were the only time he ever heard one of the Dragon Ladies break radio silence. (Best lift-to-drag speed for a clean F-104 is around 273 KEAS (knots equivalent air speed) and wingtip Sidewinders wouldn't affect this much. At 21 kilometers, on an average day, that works out to just about exactly Mach 2.)

Note that while Starfighter is the official name of the F-104, most of its pilots call it the Zipper. Because it... well, you get the idea.

Some critics say the F-104 doesn't have enough range. Maximum range, using 4 external tanks - which are dropped when empty - and best range cruise of Mach 0.9 is around 2400 km (planes with the -19 engine can do better). With the same 4 tanks, climbing to 21 km and accelerating to Mach 2, the plane can cover nearly 2300 km. With 1300 of that at Mach 2. While the plane's range isn't impressive, how fast it can cover that distance is. Which was the intent all along.

By the way, don't get the wrong impression about the comparison I made above between the F-104 and the F-22. The latter plane is an improvement over the Starfighter in just about every way. But then, it was designed some 40 years later.

Rodford Edmiston Smith

Monday, 18 November 2013

There Has To Be Titanium Right?

The F-104 Starfighter uses three types of metal on the tail of the aircraft. Aluminum is the most prominent as you would expect but there is also a large stainless steel panel on either side of the fuse and a number of titanium panels as well. Since this plane will be in the polished metal finish I must treat the titanium panels differently by airbrushing them with a water based translucent paint that will hopefully look like titanium.

To do this I took a piece of flight metal and placed it on a plastic sheet. I sanded it with steel wool to mimic the panel treatment on the plane and then masked off a number of sections for the experiment.

I tried spraying a number of colours and mixtures of colours onto the individual strips to see which one compared closely to the pictures.

                                      Once I decided I started to do the airbrushing a little at a time until I got the effect that I wanted. 

                                     The afterburner area was the first one I tried and it came out fairly decent so I moved on. 

                                          You can see the various panels on the tail section clearly on the tail section photo.

There is one more titanium vent panel that is not on the tail section but on the main fuse just in front of the tail section. I needed to first cut the vents open, they just don’t look right as it comes from the factory, and then flight metal and then paint them the titanium colour. 

Last note on this is I found out the hard way that these painted panels now need to be sealed with a clear coat or if any tape touches them it will lift off some of the paint. Oh that dam learning curve strikes again!

Thursday, 14 November 2013

Metal Zipper

I have now completed the flight metal on the tail section of the Zipper. While waiting for the light lens to arrive from Alex in the UK I decided to get the tail hook done and also to start on the drag chute compartment and mechanism.

Also at this time I need to identify the panels on the tail section that were titanium. Fortunately I got the name of Steve Pagot in Winnipeg who is restoring an F-104 for the Canadian Starfighter Museum. Here is a link to the site.

If you click on museum news you will see their progress on #703. Steve was able to identify these panels for me and is a wealth of knowledge on the F-104. I know I will be talking to him again throughout this build.

I have decided to build this model as # 703 one of the first five F-104 built in Canada  (Straight flush) and the first to be test flown in this country. 

This plane has Canadian significance and I would like to honour all the pilots and crews that are in the association with this particular aircraft. More on the history of 104703 later.

F-104 utilized a tail hook “just in case” as well as a drag chute. I did not have very clear pictures of this area so I improvised a bit.

As mentioned there are a few titanium panels on the F-104 as well as a stainless steel panel. I must treat these different from the aluminum. The stainless was highly polished so that one is easy. What I will do at some point is clear coat it so that the aluminum (stainless steel) will not tarnish in this area leaving the rest of the aluminum to weather as per the full size. The titanium will need to be tinted a darker greyish black to simulate the real metal. To do this I will take some steel wool and carefully brush the surface in two different directions prior to the tinting. This will help the colour adhere and more importantly take away some of the reflective properties of the flight metal. I will use a practice sheet to see if I can get it right first of course.

I have got a chute on order and until it comes in I cannot move forward with the containment box as I need to know the size of the chute folded up. Lots more to do in the meantime.

Tuesday, 5 November 2013

Hatches, Lights, Speed Brakes And The Tail

To make the various inspection panels look more realistic I have masked them off and then takes some 00 steel wool and carefully swept them in one direction. If you do this do not go back and forth but only in one direction. If when done you do not like the direction you can start over and go in another direction.

Holes for light lens.  I have some lens to go into the 4 locations on the tail and have cut out the holes for them prior to the flight metal going on.

Speed breaks.  Before I can flight metal the speed breaks I first need to paint them. I will also paint the inner workings of the speed break system as well.

Tail section. I am waiting for the flight metal to arrive from the US so I can complete the metal work on the tail section.

Tail hook. At this time I might as well do the tail hook so I have cut out the hole in the bottom of the tail and have started to build the tail hook compartment and spring system that will allow it to move downward slightly when the chute compartment opens as the real one did.

Monday, 4 November 2013

Panel Screws

To detail the panels I have taken some inexpensive screw drivers and ground them down and sharpened them a bit to simulate panel screws. A few different sizes will make the panels and screws look more to scale. 

Using a little pressure creates a realistic screw head on the access panels. Just another detail that is required to give the project the scale appearance that it requires.  

Thursday, 17 October 2013

Flight Metal 104 Not 101 :-)

These 3 tools are called blunts I think and are available at most craft stores.
Different sizes for different jobs. 

Here  is a section of the rear lower half of the fuse. I thought I
would do the bottom first which is not so visible to hone my skills!

Once the flight metal has been put on and burnished there are still rivets 
that need to be brought back up so it is back to the little rivet tool and patience. 

It is good to have  some of your favorite music or a TV show on when 

doing this mind numbing task. :-)

You see in this photo that the rivets in this picture are proud requiring a 
bit of extra care. Not sure why Lockheed did this but  I suspect that this section
 needs to be replaced frequently so it is easier to remove these type of rivets. 
My A-10 has similar riveting on the aft end of it as well.

Next picture shows the finished sections together. They still need
to be lightly sanded to get that aluminum finish instead of chrome look.

This picture shows the rudder that I experimented with sanding to give it
 more of an aluminum finish. Unfortunately I went too far and I will have to redo it. 

Glad you could stop by to check out the progress. It's time to head back to the shop ..... more pictures later!

Saturday, 12 October 2013

Rivets, Panel Lines And Vents

Before applying the flight metal to the F-104, the primed fuselage needs to be wet sanded using 320 grit paper. 

The process begins of detailing the F-104. Before I can do any flight metal I must re-establish the lost rivets and panel lines that were destroyed when the molds were bonded together.

To do this I have taken some small brass tubes that are the size of the rivets and made a tool with them by adding a wooden handle. It is a matter of sharpening them and then pressing and rotating them on the surface to make or repair a rivet. 

The next step is to re-establish any missing panel lines. I use a Zona saw and carefully cut through the gel coat and just into the fiberglass surface where the panel line should be.  

The Zona saw works great to fix any panel lines that need better definition. 

Nice crisp panels! Note the rivets that need to be "tweaked"? All these nodes
 must be removed from inside the panel lines as the flight coat will not look correct 
when placed over top.

This model has in excess of 75 vents. Each one has to be cut open. I like to use a sharp Xacto blade #11 to do this. Although it can be mind numbing it is necessary for them to be opened to give the model its true scale look.

There are also many large vents that need to be opened up as well and I will get to them next. When looking at this long jet on the bench and deciding to flight metal entire model I then realized what I got myself in for. It should look great when completed! 

Tuesday, 27 August 2013

Thursday, 15 August 2013

F-104 Starfighter

Yahoo it is here! To say this is an impressive model is an understatement. It is 11 feet long but only has a 60 inch wingspan. If I had not see it fly on videos ( go to Skymasters web site there are a number of them but the best is the one by a German flyer) I would not have considered it. Having said that it is one of my favorite jets and the epitome of what in my mind constitutes a jet fighter.

It arrived in good condition but missing some parts which have now been sent from Skymaster. This is my blank pallet and now the work will begin. There are many panel lines that are not showing in areas where the molds joined and also rivets etc. Once I get them all back in I will wet sand the whole thing in preparation for the flight metal. I did get the factory to supply the plane to me in  a ready to paint condition which meant that the mold seams and most blemishes were filled and the plane was primed.  It is a big jet. Around 11 feet long but just about 60 inches wing tip to wing tip. If I had not seen the video's of this plane flying I would not have considered it.

Aerodynamic or what! Looks like a big lawn dart. I love the look of these jets.

The length is more evident in this picture. I will follow Joe Grice's lead on this one and use the Behoetec 220 turbine for its best in class power to weight. I want to try to keep the weight to a minimum for obvious reasons.

To me this is the ultimate definition of a jet fighter. Looks like it is going Mach 2 standing still.

I ordered it in primer only as I will flight metal the plane to match the RCAF 104's of the 70's. I will add a light ring for the afterburner and will use the Royal SRS with the built in IGYRO.

Rear view with speed brakes deployed

The landing gear needs to be seen to be appreciated. It is hydraulic with compressed air similar to their shock absorber system. Believe it or not there is a lot of detail work to do on the fuse prior to applying the flight metal. Where the molds join the panel lines and rivets are lost so they will need to be redone. Also there are blemishes that will need filling and sanding. The flight metal will telegraph anything under it so time spent prior will be worth it in the end.

I plan on starting in September when the weather starts to turn. I will get a picture up of the gear as soon as I can.

Stay tuned!

Monday, 8 July 2013

Recently Finished Projects

CARF Models Corsair

First is the CARF-Models Corsair done up as a 1945 USS Bunkerhill carrier plane. Weathered and war weary this 1/4 scale plane really flys well. Weight is about 50 pounds with a wingspan of 110 inches. It is powered by a Moki 250 cc five cylinder radial engine that has bags of power. It took me about 2 and a half years to complete. It uses a PowerBox Royal for power distribution and has an optional fuel pump for the Moki to get rid of the vacuum assist that comes standard. 

Test pilot Mike Allman and me are all smiles after the Corsair's maiden flight

The plane was painted in automotive base coat hardened with no clear coat. The markings are all painted on using stencils. I have been flying it with a 2 blade 32 x 18 prop but also have the scale 3 blade Solo prop and hub. I like the performance with the 2 blade and will eventually try the 3 blade.


Skymaster A-10 Warthog

This video is of my 1/6th scale Skymaster A-10 Warthog that was maidened at Princeton BC. 

It has two Jet Central Chettah turbines with a total combined thrust of 61 pounds. Weighing in at about 70 pounds with fuel it fly's very well and floats on landing. It took me about 2 years to complete and was modelled after the A-10 in Osan air base Korea. It turns out after maiden flights that I am nose heavy which is always a good thing if you have had to add weight to the nose to get the suggested C of G. 

Also I have too much pressure in the main oleo's which causes the plane to have a negative angle of attack and makes the take off rolls longer than necessary. This was easily changed by letting out some of the air in the oleo's. The best landing gear I have ever seen which use air over hydraulic fluid instead of springs. Wish my Corsair had the same system.

I look forward to getting more flight time on the A-10 after I have re-balanced it. I also found a small crack in the glue joint on one of the engine nacelles where it joins the fuse part. I will strengthen this area up. I think the plane will benefit from an adjustment to the throttle curve. Right now most of my throttle is in the upper half of the stick. I would like to have a bit more authority at the mid position.

Skymaster  Lockheed F-104 Starfighter

This is my next project. Plane should be arriving in the next week or so and I will post more pictures of it when it does. It is a 1/5th scale model with a wingspan of 52.6 inches (1336 mm) and a length of 131.4 inches (3338 mm).

I will be doing a complete flight metal finish and look forward to the help of a good friend of mine and master builder Joe Grice who is also doing the same plane in flight metal. At this point it is my intention to do this plane in the RCAF markings as the earlier planes were kept in natural aluminum with only small area's painted such as the wings and the stab. I believe Joe is doing his as a USAF version all in metal as well. It should be fun working on these together and comparing notes.